It was a well-attended event with a highly engaged group of subject matter experts from the Admissions, Examinations and Registry teams across the sector meeting to discuss current challenges and opportunities, supported by EduCampus and our supplier DXC.

The meeting kicked off with a warm welcome from Chair Patrick Brophy, IADT. This was followed by a discussion of the experience of the recent major Banner release after which Elena Iskreva, DXC presented on Release Phase 2 planning.
John Swanick, EduCampus presented an update from the AIP Working Group who will soon be issuing guidance to the group based on their work together since the last meeting. Patrick guided a lively discussion on the recent MDUU Training and a discussion of how RPL is working since implementation and EduCampus gathered feedback from the group on further training requirements.
The group discussed Succession Planning with members sharing how this is tackled in their own organisations. It was agreed that this topic could be revisited at the next meeting.
After a networking lunch together the group discussed their approaches to Microcredentials. This was followed by two highly anticipated presentations from Lis Heffernan, Emer Lardner and Brigid Crowley of MTU who shared their impressive Pagebuilder Development (for AppNav and Faculty) and their Experience with Argos.

IBUG Committee Members
Patrick Brophy – IADT, Chairperson
Aisling Hutchinson – SETU, Secretary
Marea Curtis – SETU
Sinéad Dunne – DKIT
Clodagh Kerin – EduCampus